
Strategies For Funding Simchas

A Revolutionary Approach To Securing The Jewish Legacy

The Power of The My Simcha Fund

Hi-Growth Strategies

We utilize high risk investment strategies that are designed to provide high rates of return over a 3-5 year basis. These strategies carry 2x to 3x the average market risk and potential reward.

Custom Maturity Date

Your Simcha Fund is a one of a kind, designed specifically for your simcha. As the date approaches, we start harvesting our gains and reducing our risk. Helping to ensure that you have as much as possible.

Turn One Simcha Into Many

Instead of selling your investments, we borrow against them (no credit required) and use the growth to pay back the loan.....automatically. Allowing you to fund your next Simcha, and your next, etc...

Become a Bonei Olam

As your money grows, our goal is the hopefully one you can eventually retire and become a financial supporter of the community. A true Bonei Olam, become the next generation of financial support.

A Smarter Way To Pay For Simchas

The My Simcha Fund uses a propriety set of high risk/high reward trading strategies to aggressively grow your money. These are strategies that are usually only available to high networth individuals and institutional investors.

At My Simcha Fund we recognize that as Jews, our needs often exceed our ability to earn. And while the "traditional" American investor, works hard, saves and can retire after 40 years of hard work. For many jews, this will never be a reality.

As jews, our relationship with money and life is different.

This means that we can't use the same "tried and true" investment strategies that work for the "average" american. We need strategies that are designed for our needs and believes.

The My Simcha Fund is a no-holds barred investment approach. It uses every trick in the book to get as much return as possible. It carries a level of risk that most people would find intolerable, but for the jew on a budget is the only viable option.

We also leverage our institutional relationships to help get steep discounts and access to strategies that are not available to the general public.

Discover how the My Simcha Fund can help solve your financial worries.

The My Simcha Programs

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Strategies with 5-10 Year Maturity Dates

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Strategies with a 15-20 Year Maturity Dates

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Strategies for generating ongoing income.

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Our Philosophy

Read our story  ➝


Don't Let Money Control Your Simcha!

As two frum guys who have dedicated our careers to the financial industry, we have spent countless hours working with hundreds of financial advisors. Over time, we noticed a significant gap in the market - there were no investment solutions that were specifically designed to help Jews save and invest aggressively in order to finance simchas, which are such an important part of our tradition.

As Jews, between yeshiva, yom tov, and life we have little left over to save for the important milestones. The Bar or Bat Mitzvah, the wedding, let alone our retirement.

As financial professionals, who get to work with some of the most amazing investors and experts, we know that there is a better way. We know that it is possible to turn a small amount of money in to the infinite wealth we all need.

So, we set out to create a unique investment solution that could help our fellow Jews achieve their financial goals while celebrating their important milestones. After countless research, we developed a plan to launch a firm that would focus on aggressive investment strategies to generate high returns in a relatively short period of time.

Our investment strategies are carefully selected to allow everyday yiden to invest as little as $2,500 and turn it in to a much larger sum in the future. This can allow almost anyone to fund their future simchas with dignity and peace of mind.

Let us help you create the simcha of your dreams.

My Simcha Fund is a chesed that we do for the community. We provide it at minimal cost. Our day jobs are as Lead Trader and Chief Technology Officer for a leading FinTech company that provides services to over 3 billion in assets.

Let our unique approach to aggressive investing help your family finance their simchas and create lasting memories that will be cherished for generations to come.

We are proud to be part of a tradition that values both financial growth and the joy of celebrating important life events.

Learn More About The My Simcha Fund

How The Program Works

Step #1 - Tell Us About Your Future Simcha

Step #2 - We'll Send You a Custom Proposal

Step #3 - Fund Your My Simcha Account

Step #4 - Watch Your Fund Grow.

Step #5 - When the time comes, contact your Simcha Fund advisor and they will provide you with the money you need for your Simcha.

Step #6 - Enjoy Your Simcha

Get Your Custom Simcha Fund Proposal

Fill out the form below and one of our Simcha Fund advisors will be in touch.

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Here are our most commonly asked questions.